In & Out  Slow & Deep Appreciate Awake & Sleep... Live your life inhale and exhell!!!  Dont Settle for believing... Just Know!!! Everyday is an opportunity and a given right to freely express who you are completely without limits , it's all in
ProperEDiquet 08/23/2018 0 639
This is a article I copied and paste below, but I just had to let the iYap World Know WE ARE IN!!!! Go PhIns!!!! It's beenn8 years. We need the experience!!! See Ya in few. we will be swimming to the top!!! check the write up below. Now That's PE...   The
ProperEDiquet 12/26/2016 0 745
I was browsing thru the World of iYap and saw something that i wanted to reyap with you all......with the most recent artwork! Read below and overstand the depths of our World of a Nation!!!!! One World. One Love. Now REPEAT AFTER ME........   We The Yappe
ProperEDiquet 12/20/2016 1 670
iYappers hold your heads high, as the back end forms and blends together with the fore front message the answer becomes more clear, there is nothing like together; so as we forge ahead as unyielding minds combining to rerevolutionize assistance, we design
ProperEDiquet 09/02/2015 0 787
OUTSIDE: "Swing Batter Batter Swing!!!!!", Strike one. OUTSIDE: "Swing Batter Batter Swing!!!!!", Strike two. INSIDE: Why are they telling me to swing? INSIDE: Let Me stop and gather my own thoughts.!!! OUTSIDE: "Swing Batter Batter Swing!!!!!", Ball 1. IN
ProperEDiquet 01/12/2015 0 895
The fact of the matter is accomplishing the goal of helping oneself to only help others!!! Period!!!!! Everyone Get On Board!!!  And remember...... The Resolution Will Be Optimized!!! iYap
ProperEDiquet 12/16/2014 0 872
When You are in tune with you and you know what you want and what you are here to do there is no such thing as No!!! It's such a negative word!!! Now don't mistaken pure focus and extreme dedication as a tool to make a fool. B clear in what I am saying, I
ProperEDiquet 12/10/2014 0 821
Not Knowing what you want and knowing what you want and not wanting to go through what it takes to get what you want are two different things, Ones a humble gift receiver and the latter is simply an unappreciative quitter. The Gift of Knowing elevates us t
ProperEDiquet 12/08/2014 0 769
At first you don't succeed try try ,well u kno the cleshe!!!! To keep it all the way 100  all we do is succeed so Keep keep on Doing!!! Every step we take is progress, don't let the negative influences alter your promising path. It aint enough guns,gangs,
ProperEDiquet 12/06/2014 1 778
We Love Yall, We Love Yall, We Love Yall!!!! With all of your non existant flaws we love Yall.... We Don't Like what you do at times but can't help but LOVE Yall. It's kinna funny cause I empathize with our demise as we scream, fight, protest, and cry. But
ProperEDiquet 12/05/2014 0 753
Now That's PE...
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